Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Kidney, His Life...

A wonderful story about one donor connected to three other donors and four recipients

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Your Share of the Stimulus Package

If you have a few extra days you might invest them in the 8" thick yawner called the Economic Stimulus Package. Or, take a few minutes and consider the following:

There are no shortages for opinions on what should have been in the package and what should not have been included in the package. In either case, they are right. Who are they? The Amercan public, the voters, the taxpayers. The mere mention of an opinion is a longing to be involved. I want to encourage everyone who has an opinion to get involved and be a part of the stimulus. All it takes to have a positive impact on the current economic situation is to be outwardly focused. Ask yourself HOW in any situation. How can I assist a struggling family? How can I support a local business? How can I invest in my community? How can I be a positive influence on a distressing situation? How can my attitude shed a positive light? How do my actions contribute to exaserbating the problem? How can my opinions have a greater impact than just initiating another conversation?
It is my humble opinion that my share of the Economic Stimulus Package lies in my refusal to believe that the government can do more for me than I can do for myself and my neighbor. My share of any stimulus program is my ability to recognize my role in creating the problem and my role in stimulating a solution. Very little gets accomplished in committee, much can be acheived through following your heart. Embrace your share of the stimulus package!