Friday, June 14, 2019

What I’m Telling Myself Today...

What I’m telling myself today…

Today is totally unique. There has never been, nor will there ever be another day like today. As much as I think I could plan for this day, it will possess moments and experiences that will catch me off guard. I’m ready, I am totally equipped to handle whatever comes my way. I choose to greet every experience with curiosity. I will ask myself how specific moments are meant to impact my thoughts, my actions, my personal growth. I will embrace every encounter with others as a challenge to leave them feeling better than when they arrived . For every individual that will seek my perspective, I will honor that trust with the same respect that I would desire. Today I will seek forgiveness for any transgressions as close to the actual occurrence as possible. I will aggressively search for the miracles, serendipities and anecdotal amusements that I so often miss. While this is my sincere desire, I expect that I will fall short not out of intent as much as human frailty. And should I be so fortunate to have experienced the completion of this day, I will require the same if not more tomorrow. Wish me luck!